On that day Manikapur did not know. That we were going to get the king. According to the Arabic calendar, in the year 910 AH, on the tenth day of the month of Jamaat al-Aqir. Nagore Aandavar (Saint) was born in the flower world. The gift given by God to the wipe away. The tears of the people the world was made by The Great (Saint) Nagore Aandavar Hazarath Kuthubul Akthab Fardul Ahbab Syedus Saadhath Syedina Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli Ganjasavoy Ganjabuksh Badhusha Nayagam. They were born in the holy land of Manikapur. Days moved Syedina Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli Ganjasavoy Ganjabuksh Badhusha Nayagam They grew day by day with beautiful appearance and graceful nature. In childhood, when the children of the same age were involved in play, they would sit alone and think about God. Nagore Andavar (Saint) They were the least talkative in their youth The power to summarize and explain to (Saint) Nagore Aandavar was immense. The (Saint) Nagore Aandavar desire to reach the Lord increased as they grew older so the Lord longed for their spiritual guide.
In the year 928 AH, (Saint) Nagore Aanadavar left Manikapur to greet the monk and went to Gwalior. The city of wisdom in the state of Rajasthan in search of a spiritual teacher. The earth rejoiced and the wind and the directions filled the heavens and the spheres and saw the coming of (Saint) Nagore Aandavar. Eventually the master came to his wise spiritual teacher Muhammad Ghouse Gwalior and joined them. On a good day the (Saint) Nagore Aandavar made a piety to his spiritual teacher as the Lord wished and received virtual initiation. They accepted the spiritual teachings and worshiped the Lord in solitude for days. Spiritual teacher Ghouse Gwalior was amazed at the growth of the spiritual path of (Saint) Nagore Aandavar. The spiritual teacher Ghouse Gwalior Nayagam, who had received spiritual training from them, appeared Hiliru Alaihivassalam to see the Shahul Hameed Badhusha Nayagam and immediatly disappeared with the good news. That God has made you the lamp of the house of yellow until the end of the world ya khadir muradhu hasil. You People Wait for the dark curtains of the world to be torn by his torch, the treasure of Allah’s greatness.